Medical Devices
Code: 09945
Bladder Scanner Portascan 3D by Laborie
Code: 11669
VitaScan LT Portable ultrasound bladder scanner (PVR) with tablet, Vitascan v2 and trolley
Code: 11664
VitaScan PD Portable ultrasound bladder scanner console (PVR) with printer and probe Vitascan v2
Code: 11666
VitaScan PD Portable ultrasound bladder scanner console (PVR) with printer, probe Vitascan v2 and trolley
Code: 11665
VitaScan V2 portable ultrasound bladder scanner (PVR) with carrying case
Code: 14367
Golem 6ET Model 200 Gynaecology and Urology Table for disabled users
Code: 00604
Sonesta S2 Procedure Chair, 230V
Code: 12090
20MHz microvascular doppler system
Code: 07817
V2000 Doppler, without probe
Code: 05768
Vascular doppler Sonotrax with 8 MHz probe
Code: 09654
Sonotrax Basic pocket Doppler with display and without probe
Code: 08236
Code: 09511
Ποδοδιακόπτης διπλός για διαθερμία Shalya
Code: 06375
24 Hours ABPM + Pulse Pate Monitor
Code: 13226